Senthalai Garudan
Vandhidam Paainthaal
Gangayin Porulum
Thann Kayil Kidaikkum
- Anonymous
Let me do the interlingual rendition in a bit, first the meaning. It means that if the vivid headed garudan crosses to your left when you start any important event. It indicates a good sagunam that you will get the rare and sacred items of the river Ganga in your hands. The river Ganges is said to be originating from the head of Lord Shiva and so it is so sacred that it cleanses all the sins of the humans. So things got from the Ganga is considered rare and sacred. And obtaining things from the Ganges is not so easy in those days. So if a Garudan flies past to your left, then it indicates a good sagunam. Now the rendition
Senthalai - Red headed, vivid headed (in this context)
Vandhidam = Vandhu (Come) + Idam (Left) - Comes to your left
Paainthal - dive, pounce
Gangayin - Of Ganga (River Ganges)
Porul - Items, Substances
Thann - One's Own
Kayil - In hand(Kai)
Kidaikkum - Will be gotten

Aadi Garudanai Thedi Kaan Anandham Pongum
Kaalai Garudanai Paarthu Kaan Kaaval Kaakkum
Odum Garudanai Naadi Kaan Theevinai Pokkum
Maalai Garudanai Kootil Kaan Marupirappillaiyae
- Anonymous
meaning, search and find the Garudan in the month of Aadi and you will find joy filling your life. Wait in expectation of the arrival of the Garuda in the morning and see it, it will be a sentinel in your life. Seek the elusive Garudan and envision it, it will destroy all your sins. See the Garudan accompanied by Lord Vishnu in the evening, you will cross the ocean of birth, attain salvation and will never be reborn to meet with all the suffering of birth.
Aadi - Dance; Tamil Month of Aadi (Falls between July and August), auspicious month for the Gods.
(Temples would be crowed during this month and it is not easy to worship the deities in the temple. So you would have to search amongst the crowd to find the deities. Garuda being one of the deities, should be searched and worshipped)
Thedi - Search
Kaan - See
Anandham - Joy, Merry
Pongum - Overflow
Kaalai - Morning
Paarthu - verb. See; adjective. carefully; In this context Edhirpaarthu meaning in expectation
Kaaval - Watch, Sentinel
Kaakum - Protect
Odum - Running
Naadi - Seek
Theevinai - Sins, actions causing sins
Pokkum - Remove, eliminate
Maalai - Evening
Kootil - In the nest (Koodu); accompanied by someone or something
Marupirappillayae = Maru (Again) + Pirappu (Birth) + Illaiyae (No, Negation) - No rebirth
Not only the Garudan, but other birds and animals are venerated and associated with the gods in India. For example, the Snake (Lord Shiva), the mouse and the elephant (Lord Ganesha), the rooster (Lord Muruga), Lord Hanuman (the monkey God), the cow (The Kamadhenu), the bull (Rishaba Devar - mount of Lord Shiva), the buffalo (mount of Yama), the tiger and the lion and so on and so forth. Even the dog is worshipped as the mount of Lord Bairava and even a scorpion has its place. The list goes on. The idea of venerating animals is not to start off any superstition among the people, but it has spiritual, biological and jurisprudential reasons. The spiritual being to the envision the Supreme being as the manifestation of all life forms, the biological being to conserve the ecology and those beings should be in existence, the jurisprudential being, that every animal has its right to existence. I am not starting off any potential argument, but just elucidating the essence of such beliefs.
Apart from the Garuda, one more bird is known to indicate sagunam. It is the Sembothu or the Senbaga, I don't know the exact English name for the bird. But it would be in the size of a cuckoo and has a vibrant orangish brown colour in it body. The song that indicates is

Bothidam Paainthal Maelthadam Vaiyaadhae
- Anonymous
meaning, if the Sembothu flies past to your left, don't dare to step one more foot. Rather it indicates a bad or an unsuccessful sagunam. To be more precise of the meaning, the belief is that if the Sembothu passes to your left while you are about to venture out something, it will not materialise whatever the effort you put.
Bothidam - Bothu (Sembothu) + Idam (Left) - Sembothu going to your left
Paainthaal - dive, pounce
Maelthadam - Mael (Top, Above, More) + Thadam (Path, Tread, footprint) - Treading foot on the path
Vaiyaadhae - Vai means Keep, Vaiyaadhae - negation of Vai
People associate birds and animals to predict the happenings, these beliefs can neither totally be believed nor can be disregarded as superstition. But we have to accept that every life has to be respected and they all have the right to coexist and we cannot hunt them or their habitat leading to their extinction. Maybe, our forefathers thought that at least these spiritual association with the birds and animals could bring about some ecological balance.
Some fascinating pictures of the Garuda...

The majestic Garuda - Brahmini Kite
Sculpture of Garuda on a temple's gopuram
Front view of Garuda
Garuda in flight

Side view of the Garuda

Side view of the Garuda
More interesting things to come, until then...
I don't know what to say I liked the best, the description, the interpretation, or the photos!!!! Loved the post. Where do the photos come from? When did you take them?
Garuda will bless you with good luck, heh! Keep up the good job!!!
That was an excellent read. Very informative. And very well written too.
Thanks gentlemen!!!
Good & informative post. More than the info. on Garudan which was very revealing, I like the Header rendered by Sivavakkiar which was very touching. I am sure it would sound very nice & divine when recited appropriately. Keep it up.
A very good article Prabhu. Well researched and written. I still remember the days where in school we used to run around the playground to step on the Garuda's shadow.
visit my blog here
Prabhu it was fascinating to know some thing new. thnx
welcome to my blog. Thanks!
Very good article Prabhu.
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Thanks Mohan! will visit the site you mentioned. Thanks once again!
I happened to read your article accidently.Even though it was accidental,I gained a lot from it.Hats-off Prabhu .Really very nice articles.I am very much interested in hinduism.While reading comments i noticed cutyboy's site.I visited his site and then went and met him.When I came out of his house, thousands of questions was in my mind.It was like a tall tale that winds up to be the truth.
It is a truth that human beings starts his learning process while he/she is in the mother's womb.After year's of schooling and higher studies he specializes in a particular area.Each and everybody is given a tittle according to his expertization.Scientists - Expert in Science,Mathematician-Expert in Mathematics,Genius -Who has exceptional intellectual.
Now,let me put accross a thought provoking question."What do you call someone who is expert in everything in the universe,knows each one of us,not only a thought-reader but also has capability to correct if we are in a wrong path,knows any language,whose knowledge is unlimited and that too without having even the primary schooling and belongs to feline family? ".This thought provoking question made me write this.
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Dear sir,
i have a doubt. as today morning i am standing out in my house 1st floor outisde room.while that time a garuda hit my head and went. can i know any reason and good thing or bad think in tht.waiting for ur reply
Dear Senthil,
I would rather treat that as a coincidence and not a sign of any bad omen. To take it positively, consider that you have been blessed :)
Dear R.Prabhu ,
I would like to know the meaning when a pair of garuda flying around and one of the garuda make a sound while flying around circle when i was walking out of my house with my wife at 11am .
this is the first time i'm hear the garuda sound as it fly's around .
May i know this meaning of the things happened.
Dear s_theva,
I believe it should be just a natural course for the kites. I am not an expert in interpreting omens though :)
Dear sir,
I have a doubt. Today morning i went to subramaneswara swamy temple in vijayawada. The temple is at the top of the hill. After having lord murugan darshan i came out and saw an eagle at very height circling around the temple. Is it for good or bad sagunam?
That has nothing do with Sagunam. Don't worry
Dear sir, an Eagle touched my head. on the day before it had happened i recieved prasada from tirupathi. What it signifies ??
Dear sir,. Since a month a black kite visits my balcony every day and calls by making a noise. Once I have listend to it, it flys away. I want to know whether what is it trying to say or what does his visits and calling means. Please help
@Darshan and @Rashmita
I am not exactly sure on how to interpret those and I am not an expert in those aspects either.
dear prabhu
one eagle hited on my head to lift side with some starches left there with slitly bleeding is it any bad sign,,,
pls replay me if u can
my mob no. is 9901968055,,,
Today at 3.10min pm... My brother head was hited by eagle... Is it good or bad sign and its coming behind him
Plz respond
My contact no 8496944338
Today at 3.10min pm... My brother head was hited by eagle... Is it good or bad sign and its coming behind him
Plz respond
My contact no 8496944338
@Vasavi Enterprises and @Keerthi Arun - I am not exactly sure on how to interpret those and I am not an expert in those aspects either. I would rather treat that as a coincidence and not a sign of any bad omen, take it positively and move on.
Garuda bird neck is dnt confuse with ordinary black eagle's.
Garuda bird neck is dnt confuse with ordinary black eagle's.
Garuda bird neck is dnt confuse with ordinary black eagle's.
Crow is bad not eagle's
Don't confuse with ordinary black eagle's.garuda is different.garuda ve wihte neck & orange body.not black body with neck.
If crow hits then it s a dosham .refer panchangams for solutions.
Garuda darisanam is very very powerful .so dnt take it s a ordinary s a blessing for Ur endeavours.
Happened in tirupati or at Ur home.which exact location u got darshan at tirupati .@ what time?
Mr.prabhu garuda in Tamil u refered taken from which book?share the book name , author & publication.
Garuda & crows ve powers to travel in other lokas ,pitru lokas.
Mr.Prabhu today afternoon a black eagle unexpectedly hit my head and flew away into the sky. I'm worried..
Please reply to me Sir
Nothing to worry about, it could just be an accident
There is a same bird in my house now, my husband is taking photo and sending to me. What should we do?
Hi if possible pls get in touch with me would like to discuss Garuda visiting house I have studied astrology for long so it helps:
Hi Rashmita if possible pls get in touch with me would like to discuss Garuda visiting house I have studied astrology for long so it helps:
In my life, every month I am going mecheri kaliamman temple and my house to temple between the place seeing garuda always, this is good omen , but more than numerous times seeing garuda then what's ur opinion
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